The vision behind the Cigar Coop Cigar of the Year Coutndown is to find the best new blends that were smoked in the past year. At the same time, there are many great blends that have already been released that add line extensions in the form of new vitolas. These vitolas share the same tobacco components. These cigars are not considered for the countdown. Therefore, for the fifth consecutive year we bring you our Best Line Extension selections.
The criteria for this list is as follows:
- The new vitola must have been released during The 2014 Cigar Coop Cigar Year (11/29/13 – 11/27/14).
- The first release of the line must have been released prior to the 2014 Cigar Coop Cigar Year.
- While we recognize a vitola does make some blend adjustments for the size, the new vitola must share the same tobacco components (wrapper, binder, and filler) as the rest of the existing line.
- Consistency and aging potential were factored into this list. The scores listed are those recorded at the time of the published assessment. These other variables affected the final ranking.
- The vitola must have been reviewed, assessed, and scored on Cigar Coop.
- Only one line extension per blend is eligible.